
Rave Camp Snack

Cooking Demostration

Camping Rave Snack.

This a quick blog post about me camping and having a quick snack before hitting the final day of a festival. Enjoy.

In this short blog post I will share with you my recent camping trip where I was attending a festival and this was my last day and so my last meal before the final rave. At this point I was pretty hungrey so I slapped down 2 pieces of smokey bacon and four sauges, so this is what you’ll be getting in this blog. I will show you my preparation, cooking, a few tips and a briefly cover cleaning. I hope you find this blog helpful. Enjoy.

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Preparation is key to any successful meal and here I outlay my meal prep for you. I first get out my Safari Chef 2 low pressure BBQ, set it up, light it up and leave it to warm up for a few minutes on low heat. Whilst I let the BBQ heat up a little I get out various other items I will need including: cutting mat, knief, towel, jug of water, pot stand and multiple plastic tongues (always use different tongues to avoid food contamination), cool box, which contain seperate food storage containers, which again we use seperate containers to avoid food contamination! Of couse, lets not forget the sauce and cookery 😉

pot stand with tongues, cookery and sauce out ready
water jug, knief and food container ready.
coolbox to store our food
food storage boxes
plate, pot stand and cutting board ready to use.


I started cooking by pre-heating the Safari Chef 2 low pressure BBQ with the lid on for about 5 mins on low heat, and this gave me time to prepare all my items I’d need to cook and eat. I’m pretty experienced now at camping and cooking and so I can confidently leave the BBQ a few mins whilst I busy about, however if you are not me, I would make sure you everything ready first, then light and pre-heat the BBQ otherwise you run a couple of risks! 1: you waste gas and 2: you may overheat the BBQ, which shouldn’t happen on low heat setting.

Now everything is out and ready and the BBQ is pre-heated I began adding the bacon and sausage to the BBQ as pictured below. As you can see from the photos, there is plenty of room on the BBQ with room to spare should you feel extra piggy 😉 Once the food was added, I simple place the lid back on and leave the food to cook on low temp’ for about 5 mins before checking the food.

After around 5min mark, I remove the lid and take a look at how the food is cooking, use tongues (two different tongues for sauge and bacon to avoid contamination!) to turn the food over for an even cook and place the lid back on.

I repeat the process above 5 mins later again and please do scroll down to find out how fast it took for the bacon to cook, you’ll be surpised! I do leave the BBQ on low temp’ throughout my cooking as I never want to run the risk of overheating the BBQ, which can lead to damage, and if I loose the BBQ, I stave!

I also keep the lid on the BBQ, I never really cook without the lid off unless the it is extremly sunny/hot, and cooking with the lid on speeds up the cooking times as it effectivly turns the Safari Chef 2 into an mini oven!
If you have any questions about cooking on the Safari chef 2 then please drop us an email or comment on the Facebook page.

pre-heating the BBQ on low tempeture
added the sauge and bacon
cooking is under way
cooking with the lid on, which turns the BBQ into an oven for faster cooking
bacon done and sausage is not far behind
sausge is done, yummy 🙂

Bacon done!

cooked bacon placed onto tin foil

With the bacon cooked, I removed it and placed it onto the foil before wrapping up the bacon to keep it warm. The food does indeed stay warm and I think you could easily leave the bacon in the foil for about 10 mins or so. In this cooking session however, the bacon was only left for a few minutes.

By the way, the bacon only took around 15 mins to cook! Of course bare in mind that the bacon is not frozen and that the BBQ was pre-heated but non the less that is pretty fast! But unlike fast food, Safari Chef 2 fast food is heathly 🙂

bacon wrapped up in foil placed under the BBQ
Just for fun, a close up of wrapped up bacon in tin foil.


A nice little tip for you. Place the metalic cooking plate on the BBQ as you cook to keep the plate warm, which in turn will help keep your food hot, whilst you eat. Obviously you’ll need to remove the plate when you check on your food and we strongly advise using a heat proof grove to do so to avoid burning your fingers!

Once your food is cooked and the BBQ is turned off, you can place the plate back ontop of the BBQ and the left over heat from the BBQ will again help keep your food warm. Oh, the second photo, is Reggae, Reggae sauce, which is spicy and tasty and if you haven’t tried it, give it a try but I’d keep a drink or two nearby incase it is too spicy for you liking.

keeping the plate warm 😉
Can’t beat some Reggae, Reggue spicy sauce.

Yummy Result

Well about 20 minutes later, the food is done and yes that’s right, it only takes around 20mins and to be honest the food was about cooked in 15 min! Cooking is super fast on the Safari Chef 2 and we get a fair few comments about how food can’t be cooked that fast, but if we cooked it any longer the food would be black char, yuck! So if you disagree with the cooking time, well, all I can say is buy a Cadac and try it out, and you’ll be amazed how fast the food cooks.

Well, enough about that rant, the food cooks quick and of course, what about taste, well it tastes absoultly gorgeous. For a gas BBQ you get a lot of taste, you’ll be surpised and the taste is lot nicer than the home cooker! I guess it must be down to the fat draining qualities of the Cadac and even the parts of the sausage that are a little burnt still taste lovely.

Personally I like to cook all my meals on the Cadac Safari Chef 2 not only for the taste but the speed, its like fast food but healthy! Finally the result, crispy bacon, well cooked sausage with some crispy coatings topped off with a saucy mix of mayo and Reggae, Reggae sauces, which went down well with a cold one 😉

BBQ is off, and the heat is keeping my plate warm and the food hot!
Oooo looks yummy, and it sure was a yummy snack


The part we all hate, the clean up and what a mess four sausges and two pieces of bacon have made of the grid pan! I recommend using the Cadac cleaning spray, spray the grid pan and let the spray soak into the grid pan and then using some soapy water (ideally warm) and a soft* sponge, wipe the grid pan clean. It should only take you about 10 minutes to get clean.
*you must never use any kind of metalic cleaning devices! As the metalic materials will rub off the non-stick finish!

In the first image below you can see the right state of the grid pan, and after a spray, a scrub down the grid pan comes up pretty clean.

Dirty grid pan
cleaning the grid pan


We only touched lightly on the subject of cleaning the Safari Chef 2 BBQ and of course only the grid pan got dirty, so please check out our dedicated cleaning setion for a more comprehensive cleaning guide.

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