
how to connect a gas bottle to the cadac safari chef 2 low pressure bBQ

In this section we will cover the types of gas and which is best for you along with any accessories you may need.

Video notes

The safari chef 2 bbq is a gas barbecue that is powered by a gas bottle. The regulator on the gas bottle needs to be connected to the barbecue in order for it to work. In our video demostration we used a butane gas bottle and a butane screw on gas regulator, however it would be much quicker to use a clip on regulator, availbe for both propane and butane gas bottles.

The regulator can be screwed on or clipped on depending on the type of regulator you have. If you have a screw-on type, then you will need a spanner to tighten it onto the gas bottle. If you have a clip-on type, then all you need to do is clip it on! It is that simple!

Which type of gas should i use for my cadac?

There are typically three types of gas you can buy, Propane (red bottles), Butane (blue bottles), and Patio gas (green bottles). For general use for your Cadac BBQ, we will focus purely on Propane and, Butane, but which one should you get? Well, lets look into the pros and cons before giving you our pick.

Propane gas is often used in cooler climates, whereas butane is used in warmer climates, and this is because propane has a boiling point of -42 degrees celsius, whereas butane has a much higher rate at -2 degrees celsius. So with that information we would suggest for the UK climate that you opt for butane in the summer and propane in the winter or colder times of year, which being the UK, may as well be all year!

We advise that you visit your local Calor dealer to purchase a gas bottle and we recommend letting the experts further advise you, as well as sell you a refill-able gas bottle. Oh, that’s right, gas bottles are refill-able and so, long term are great value for money, though the downside of a gas bottle is the size and weight! So for camping I’d opt for a smaller bottle, such as the 3.9kg.

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So which gas type do we pick and therefore recommend you to purchase? The answer, drum roll… it is Propane gas as it is the best all rounder gas and ideal for the UK climate, which lets face it is often on the cooler side!

Gas regulators and accessories

Ok, so if you are going to purchase Calor gas for your Cadac Safari Chef 2 low pressure BBQ then you will need a gas regulator suitable for the gas type, and yes, it does matter, which type of regulator you use! You will need to either buy a Propane or Butane gas regulator and don’t worry, they are easy to tell apart. Propane is red and Butane is blue to match the gas bottles, dead easy. You can purchase gas regulators in kits and the kits normally come with the regulator, the hose and hose clips, and you will just need to get a spanner out of your toolbox unless of course you use a clip-on regulator, which again are colour-coded to match the gas bottles. The advantage of the clip-on regulators is that you do not need a spanner, for starters, and they simply clip on and off the gas bottle, making assembly a breeze.

we recommend buying the clip on gas regulators, available for both butane (blue) and propane (red) for the gas type of choice dull to the ease of use.

Buying links

We often get asked about what and where to buy the gas regulators so we devised the following product table for you guys. The table features both the propane and butane gas regulators, complete with hose and gas clips so thats everything you need, apart from the gas bottles of course, which we recommend purchasing from a local dealer. We have included links to both ebay and Amazon.

You may wish to purchase a quick release gas valve and we have more information in the section below:

Butane clip on regulator set

Butane (Blue) clip on gas regulator complete with hose and clips.

propane clip on gas regulator set

Propane (Red) clip on gas regulator complete with hose and clips.


Quick release valve

Tired of screwing, unscrewing and screwing valves on and off your Cadac BBQ? Well, I am, and I know a lot of people are too, so thankfully there is a solution and it is the Cadac quick release valve and with the Quick Release you only need to attach the nozzle to the BBQ once and then it is as simple as slotting and clicking the gas hose into place. 

Please note, that the newer and most recent models of the Safari Chef 2 low pressure (QR*)BBQ actually come with a quick release, which will work fine with both the gas canisters and gas bottles alike.

*QR stands for Quick Release.

Cadac QR Quick Release valve

Cadac quick release

If, however, you do need to purchase a Cadac quick release (like we did as our BBQ is a older Chef 2 model), you can purchase using the links below:

Cadac 90 degree QR Quick Release valve

Cadac l Conection

The standard Cadac quick release is good and all; however I think you should consider buying the Cadac 90 degree angled quick release, which is compatible on all Cadac models. You can purchase this item (New, of course) for a great price on ebay.


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